GoldSource engine

The GoldSource engine was developed by Valve Software after licensing the Quake (id Tech 1) engine from id Software. Following the release of Half-Life the GoldSource engine received a number of updates and extensions both to support better mod support and to support the features of further games developed on the engine. The v1.0.x.x/SDK v1 branch was the engine that Half-Life was relesed with but on 28th May 2000 the v1.1.x.x/SDK v2 branch was released with patch v1.1.0.0/Half-Life SDK v2.0. When GoldSource engine games were brought to Steam the Steam branch was released as v1.1.2.0: further updates such as the addition of Mac and Linux support kept this frozen version number.

Engine branches

Branch Company Features Based on
v1.0.x.x/SDK v1 Valve Software Per-texture palettes
Coloured lighting
Quake (id Tech 1) v30 .bsp
v10 .mdl
v1.1.x.x/SDK v2.0 Valve Software VGUI v1.0.x.x/SDK v1 v30 .bsp
v10 .mdl
Dreamcast Gearbox Software Compressed model textures ? v30 .bsp
v11 .mdl
PlayStation 2 Gearbox Software LOD models ? v40 .bs2
v10 .dol
Xbox Ritual Entertainment Improved lighting ? v30 .bsp
v11 .mdl
Gearcraft Gearbox Software DirectX 8 renderer v1.1.x.x/SDK v2.0 v42 .bsp
v14 .mdl
Steam Valve Software VGUI2 v1.1.x.x/SDK v2.0 v30 .bsp
v10 .mdl
Cry of Fear Team Psykskallar ? Steam v30 .bsp
v10 .mdl
Linux/Mac Valve Software Linux and Mac support
DirectX support removed
Steam v30 .bsp
v10 .mdl
Svengine Sven Co-op Team Extended engine limits Linux/Mac v30 .bsp
v10 .mdl
25th anniversary Valve Software Shaders Linux/Mac v30 .bsp
v10 .mdl

DirectX 6

The GoldSource engine shipped with a DirectX 6 renderer but it was removed when the engine was ported to Mac and Linux.

DirectX 8

007 Nightfire shipped with a DirectX 8 renderer.


The GoldSource engine originally shipped with EAX (Environmental Audio Extensions) sound - a sound library by Creative Technology built on top of DirectSound. It was removed when the engine was ported to Mac and Linux.

Vertex animation

Although the GoldSource engine added support for skeletal animation, Quake's original vertex animation support remained in place for many years: the engine would load Quake .mdl files though they would be rendered all in black. An update in 2019 to address remote code execution vulnerabilities removed this functionality: Mod_LoadAliasModel in gl_model.c was updated to no longer call Mod_LoadAliasFrame or Mod_LoadAliasGroup, presumably because the inputs were not correctly checked.

Detail textures

Detail textures were added to the engine as part of the release of Condition Zero. They were also used in Day of Defeat.


The VGUI user interface framework was added to Half-Life in the v1.1.x.x/SDK v2 branch. Prior to this patch the in-game user interfaces were text-based and required the keyboard to choose menu items.

64-bit support

Counter-Strike and Condition Zero received experimental 64-bit support for Linux dedicated servers in the first half of 2004. 64-bit support ended in October 2006 but 64-bit engine and game binaries continued to be shipped. The Half-Life SDK release in 2013 still containted references to 64-bit builds in the Makefiles.


Sven Coop received access to the GoldSource engine and made a number of updates. Their updated engine is known as Svengine (

Moonshot Engine

David McDermott received a commercial GoldSource engine license to make Project Moonshot and a number of updates have been made to the engine including the integration of the Jolt physics engine and a new .bsp format (based on the Quake II .bsp format) to facilitate the new physics engine. The new .bsp format has magic number 'MBSP' and version 1.

Source engine backports

With the move to Steam, some Source engine features were backported to the GoldSource engine: Filesysteam_steam.dll/Filesysteam_stdio.dll, tier0 and VGUI2.

List of games using the GoldSource engine

Game Platform Developer Release date Play
Condition Zero Windows Rogue Entertainment
Gearbox Software
Ritual Entertainment
Turtle Rock Studios
Valve Software
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes Windows Ritual Entertainment
Valve Software
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Counter-Strike Windows Valve Software 2000
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Xbox Ritual Entertainment 2003 physical media only
Counter-Strike: Online Windows Nexon 2008 no longer available
Counter-Strike Nexon: Studio Windows Nexon 2014
Counter-Strike: Neo arcade machine Namco 2003 physical media only
Day of Defeat Windows Valve Software 2003
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Deathmatch Classic Windows Valve Software 2000
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Dismounted Infantry Virtual Environment Windows Maverick Developments
2003 not publicly available
Gunman Chronicles Windows Rewolf Software 2000 physical media only
Half-Life Windows Valve Software 1998
Mac OS X 2013
Linux 2013
PlayStation 2 Gearbox Software 2001
Dreamcast Gearbox Software not officially released N/A
Half-Life: Opposing Force Windows Gearbox Software 1999
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Half-Life: Blue Shift Windows Gearbox Software 2001
Dreamcast Gearbox Software not officially released N/A
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Half-Life: Decay PlayStation 2 Gearbox Software 2001 physical media only
Windows Gearbox Software unreleased N/A
Half-Life: Hostile Takeover Windows 2015 unreleased N/A
James Bond 007: Nightfire Windows Gearbox Software 2002 physical media only
Mac OS X Aspyr Media 2004 physical media only
Project Moonshot Windows David McDermott unreleased N/A
Ricochet Windows Valve Software 2000
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Team Fortress Classic Windows Valve Software 1999
Mac OS X Valve Software 2013
Linux Valve Software 2013
Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms Windows Valve Software unreleased N/A
Teebo and Kai: The Search for Awl Windows Valve Software
Escape Factory
unreleased N/A
Xbox Valve Software
Escape Factory
Threewave CTF Windows Threewave Software not officially released N/A
Tutus Windows Maverick Developments 2002 physical media only
no longer available

List of licensed mods using the GoldSource engine

Unlike the Source engine, the GoldSource engine was never opened up to licensing by independent developers, though free mods Cry of Fear and Sven Coop were granted engine licenses and Steam distribution; Natural Selection Steam distribution was explored but never publicly released.

Game Platform Developer Steam Release date Download
Cry of Fear Windows Team Psykskallar 2013
Natural Selection Windows Unknown Worlds Entertainment N/A
Sven Coop Windows Sven Co-op Team 2016
Linux Sven Co-op Team 2021

Half-Life Dedicated Server

The Half-Life Dedicated Server tool allows the hosting of dedicated servers for multiplayer games. In early versions of the Half-Life SDK it was open source. The source code shows that the -usegh parameter forces it to load ghostinj.dll - a .dll created by GameHost that allowed remote server management. It appears that ghostinj.dll was never released.