
Steam is Valve's online software delivery platform. The origins of Steam probably date to 1999 when Monica Harrington met with Amazon to pitch an online entertainment platform (Harrington, Although no partnership with Amazon materialised, Valve clearly purused the idea itself. After beta testing in 2003 it went live on September 12th 2003 (, though some Valve employees have account creation times from before the official go live date, for example Each Steam application has a unique numeric appid. Each Steam application is made up of one or more depots. Depots store the actual application files can be used to separate out per-platform files for example i.e. Windows binaries can be in one depot and Linux binaries in another depot - the application can then be configured to download whichever depots are required. Updating a depot creates a new version of that depot, and each version has a manifestid.

Prior to the SteamPipe update in 2013 Steam delivered games in .gcf and .ncf files.

Downloading Steam depots

Open the Steam console: steam://open/console
Run the command download_depot <appid> <depotid> (you can get the appid and depotid from
When it finishes downloading it will leave a message saying where it downloaded but it should be in steamapps/content/app_<appid>/depot_<depotid>

Older versions of depots can be downloaded by specifying the manifestid:
Run the command download_depot <appid> <depotid> <manifestid> (you can get the appid, depotid and manifestid from

Steam Audio

The sound library that Steam uses has been open source: