SiN: Source

SiN: Source was Ritual Entertainment's brief attempt at porting SiN to the Source engine. It was first revealed in 2005 in an interview with Ritual CEO Steve Nix and Community Relations Manager Steve Hessel ( Nothing further was revealed until February 2009 when Michael Russell, former QA manager at Ritual Entertainment, posted some information and a build on his website: The build contained 7 playable maps and the maps' textures and the files had all last been modified in August 2005. The 7 playable maps correspond to the first 7 maps of SiN: intro.bsp, bank.bsp, abandon.bsp, csite.bsp, subway.bsp, chem1.bsp and chem2.bsp.

SiN: Source was started to help Ritual Entertainment get familiar with the Source engine and it "didn't get very far" ( Most of the work was done by Dale Broadbent who was a level design intern at Ritual Entertainment from June 2005 to August 2005. According to Michael Russell, there may have been thoughts about completing it and releasing it as a full game like Half-Life: Source but it would have a significant undertaking. According to Steve Hessel entities and weapons were being replaced with the SiN Episodes: Emergence equivalents and a port similar to Half-Life: Source was planned ( though this obviously did not eventuate. The entity and weapon replacement and the fact that the textures are in an S1E1 directory suggests development was done in the SiN Episodes: Emergence game rather than as a separate game.